Welcome to Scifist, where we review every science fiction movie ever made, in chronological order.

  • Attack of the 50 Foot Woman

    Attack of the 50 Foot Woman

    A scorned heiress is abducted by a UFO and grows to gigantic proportions, while her cheating husband tries to murder her so he can run off with the town floozy. Nathan Juran’s 1958 cult classic is bad in many ways, but its themes continue to fascinate. 6/10 Read more

  • Womaneater


    A scientist feeds women to a woman-eating tree, which gives him a serum that can bring back the dead. This British 1958 quota quickie is plodding and illogical, but kept afloat, barely, by its silly premise and decent acting. 2/10. Read more

  • Attack of the Puppet People

    Attack of the Puppet People

    A lonely doll-maker shrinks people in order to have them keep him company in Bert I Gordon’s 1958 film. Decent performances help counteract a plodding script and special effects of varying quality. 5/10 Read more

  • The Flame Barrier

    The Flame Barrier

    The search for yet another lost husband in the Mexican jungles leads to a crashed satellite inhabited by a murderous alien blob. Gramercy’s 1958 SF jungle adventure has a good idea but lacks both script and interest. 2/10 Read more

  • Escapement


    Ex-Nazis operate a brainwashing dream machine in a psychiatric clinic in this 1958 UK mystery melodrama. Released in the US as The Electronic Monster, it squanders a good idea in a programmatic cloak-and-dagger plot. 3/10 Read more

  • The Abominable Snowman

    The Abominable Snowman

    Peter Cushing searches for the Yeti in the Himalayas, but instead finds the dark soul of Man. Hammer puts a fresh, philosophical spin on the snowman in this excellent 1957 effort, that is unfortunately a bit too talky. 7/10 Read more

20000 Leagues Under the Sea Bela Lugosi Boris Karloff Brigitte Helm Crash Corrigan Curt Siodmak Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Eiji Tsuburaya Frankenstein Fritz Lang Georges Melies George Worthing Yates George Zucco H.G. Wells Haruo Nakajima Invisible Man Irving Block J. Carrol Naish Jack Arnold Jack Pierce Jack Pollexfen Jack Rabin John Carradine John L. Balderston John P. Fulton Jules Verne Lionel Atwill Lon Chaney Jr. Mary Shelley Morris Ankrum Paul Blaisdell Richard Carlson Richard Denning Robert Louis Stevenson Roger Corman Sam Katzman Segundo de Chomon Specials Thomas Edison Top Lists Top Silents Walter R. Booth William Cameron Menzies William Schallert Willis O'Brien

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